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06 July 2004

Musidora. A brief touch with the eternal today, the kind of momentary electric rapture that can sustain in lean times. A pair of blue eyes today, sunlit pools of sky, sent my heart singing, and on the drive home my voice joined it. Thrumming energy ran through me all day, making me high, connecting in a rush all the sparking, frayed cables of intensity and drive that provide the separate bursts of motivation that carry us through random tasks, here all bundled for a moment and kicking me like a horse with its summed charge. On that singing drive home I was joined by Steve Kilbey (on CD, though that was incidental) and the wonderful dreaming tension of his words and the heated urgency of the music underneath and between was the perfect echo to my heart.

Catching your awareness of such feelings in time to fully center yourself in the experience of them can be difficult. Fully explaining it, impossible. But this is the best I'm going to do for today. It was a sense of wonder.

I don't expect these kinds of posts to mean anything to anyone but me, but if they remind me, they serve their purpose.

Change is afoot. The spark finally caught this weekend to changes that will thoroughly revamp this whole site. Yes, change is afoot and this will only be the start of it.

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